Massaged Kale Salad


  • 1 head curly green kale

  • 2 T EVOO (play around with olive oil/lemon ratio - we like 2:1)

  • 1 T fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • 1/2 t kosher salt

  • 1 t. honey (optional for a sweeter taste)

spring version: add 1 c strawberries and 1 diced avocado

summer version: add 1c sliced grape or local tomatoes and 2 T sunflower seeds

fall version: add 1 c diced apple and 2 T parmesan or nutritional yeast and 2 T chopped pecans

winter version: add 1 c pomegranate seeds and 2 T pine nuts

  • or use whatever you love or have in your fridge!


Wash kale and pull or cut leaves from main center stalk. Chop or rip leaves and place into large bowl. In a small dish combine EVOO, lemon juice, salt, and honey (if using). Pour mixture over kale and vigorously massage with your hands for 1-2 minutes (until kale feels soft). Add desired toppings and chill or serve. Stays in the fridge for 2-3 days.

For many years I was scared of kale. I found it bitter and was unsure of how to prepare it. I started to use it in soups, but rarely would eat it raw until I discovered this method of “massaging” the kale. The hands on element combined with the citrus and oil really changes the structure and taste. It becomes an awesome base alone or makes a delicious pairing with the variations below.


Lemony Cabbage-Avocado Slaw


How much water is enough?