Batch cooking…do it!

Often we think about getting organized and “pre-cooking” meals for a busy week or maybe even having a meal prep day and then life happens. I’m here to encourage you to consider cooking lots when you cook even if you aren’t in a formal “food prep” day or time. Think about the happiness your future self will feel on a cold dark Thurday night upon realizing you have a pot of chili in the freezer. Or perhaps the stress reducer of finding a pasta dish in the fridge you can throw in a bag for your work lunch…..

When you are already getting your kitchen and hands dirty- it is little extra effort to double a recipe and have another meal on hand for a busy night or lunch later in the week. Maybe even pour yourself a glass of wine and put on some music!

Harness the effort you are already putting in and reap the rewards at another time when you aren’t feeling the cooking love. I know there are many who have a perfect routine and do this on a weekly basis. I am not that organized….but I am so grateful to myself when I realize I have lots of kid activity shuttling and realize I have a meal in the fridge or freezer.

What works well for this?

  • Soup

  • Chili

  • Stew/Curries

  • Chicken/Steak/Carnitas

  • Rice and quinoa

  • Pasta (not as good frozen but good in the fridge)

  • Oatmeal

  • Waffles or pancakes


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