We need our friends….


January often brings an onslaught of New Years resolutions, new intentions, cleanses, and resets- often involving food and exercise. I want to remind us of the importance and value of caring for our mental/emotional health as well. Friends have an incredible ability to make us laugh, improve our mood, take ourselves less seriously, feel connected, calm us, and help us feel supported. We often live it up (socially) during the holidays and find ourselves in a January hibernation. Less daylight, cold, and fatigue make me lack motivation to connect with people outside of my “must-dos”.

I encourage you to try to plan one activity in the coming week with someone you love to be around - morning walk/hike, grab a coffee or glass of wine, call a friend who lives far away, meet a friend at a movie….

You might be surprised to find that laughter with a friend can be just as (possibly more) nourishing than a big bowl of kale or a crazy spin class.


Lentil Soup


Batch cooking…do it!