Nourishing Superbowl snacks?

Need some ideas for fun, tasty, and healthy snacks for the Super Bowl, Olympics, or just hanging out on a cold weekend…..there are ways to have nourishing yet festive and fun foods. Typically there is always a choice and a better choice. Before heading to a party or sitting down to watch some tv make sure you are; hydrated, have eaten a salad, sandwich or some protein (especially if you are heading to an appetizer style gathering where a meal won’t be served) make a plate and enjoy some food instead of continually grazing. Another idea is to bring a dish that you would love to eat so you know you will have at least one healthy option available. This is particularly important if you have dietary restrictions such as vegan, gluten free, dairy free, nut free.

Choose this Instead of

Sliced Jicama with lime juice and cayenne pepper Doritos or Tostitos

Guacamole Queso

Vegan Pesto w/ veggies French Onion Dip and crackers

Blackbean and corn salsa Seven Layer Dip

Buffalo Cauliflower Fried Chicken Wings

Crunchy Chickpeas or nuts Jalapeño poppers

Edamame with sea salt Potato chips

Sparkling Water or Kombucha Soda or Beer

Fruit or Dark chocolate Cupcakes




Frozen Veggies