Frozen Veggies

Do you forget about frozen vegetables and fruit? Frozen veggies (and fruits)are actually an excellent way to incorporate more vegetables into your meals -especially if you don’t have time to get to the store and/or if the seasonal abundance isn’t great. Typically picked at their full ripeness they are nutrient dense and easy to store. They are a fabulous thing to have in your freezer and can boost your stir-fry, pasta, smoothie, grain bowl or provide a healthy side. They are typically less expensive than fresh veggies. I would recommend having an assortment of greens and a few “go-tos” that your household will always eat. In our house this is broccoli and blueberries.

I recently discovered frozen Avocado and pomagrantes which can be hard to hit at the store for perfect ripeness, but make delicious additions to smoothies, oatmeal and salads. I also love to have butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower as additions to soups or stews. Other stapes for us are: cranberries, cherries, spinach, kale, collard greens, corn and broccoli.

Think of a quick empty pantry meal you would like that could be based around some frozen vegetables - For example: Rotisserie chicken, frozen broccoli and rice, or scrambled eggs with greens and blueberries.

Things to look for:

  • organic- this is a good way to incorporate less expensive organic vegetables

  • only ingredient should be the fruit or vegetable - avoid items with added salt, sauces, or preservatives

  • bigger bags can get freezer burn if not eaten quickly

  • experiment with something new or different!


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