Spring eating….

Days are getting longer, kids and grown-ups are out on bikes and scooters, and the trees are blooming. The change of season is a great time to practice eating seasonally and maybe introduce some foods you haven’t enjoyed much over the winter. I went to our local Farmer’s Market for the first time in way too long. It felt so good to buy fresh food direct and have a fun spring outing. I had a great date with my son and scored some amazing greens, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, local honey, homemade bread, gluten free bread, and granola!

Info on Boulder Farmer’s Market here: Boulder County Farmer's Market info - If your town or city doesn’t have a Farmer’s Market look for this seasonal produce at your grocery store:

  • fresh lettuces; arugula, spinach, kale, living lettuce

  • micro greens and sprouts

  • cucumbers

  • asparagus

  • snap peas

  • tomatoes

  • radish

  • strawberries

  • artichokes

    To name a few!


Fish Tacos


Feed your soul….