Feed your soul….

What makes your heart sing? Is it lunch with a friend, going on a hike, playing the piano, digging in the dirt? Self-care has gotten a lot of airtime lately and is often interpreted as getting a massage, or heading to a spa, but there are dozens of ways to love yourself.

What nourishes each person is totally unique to you and probably not as complex or expensive as you might think. I encourage you to take yourself on “a date” this week and do something that feeds your soul.

Providing ourselves with a chance for rest, creativity, and quiet helps us to be better people in the world. Caring for yourself allows you to be more patient, calm, and tolerant for all that we encounter in our crazy world. This doesn’t have to be a long ordeal - just some sacred time to nourish yourself.

Here are some ideas:

  • sit in the sunshine

  • slowly drink your favorite cup of coffee or tea

  • take a long walk or hike (not for exercise - just to enjoy)

  • call an old friend

  • plant something, water your plants, or dig in the dirt

  • dance in your kitchen

  • read a book

  • pet your favorite animal

  • play your guitar, piano, or sing in the shower

  • take a nap


Spring eating….


Protein Packed Tuna Salad (without mayo)