Cranberry Sauce

Ingredients - 4 ingredients ~ 10 min

  • 1 package organic cranberries

  • 1 c water

  • 1/2 -3/4 c sugar or maple syrup (normally calls for 1 c. start with 3/4 c and see if you like the tartness - can decrease sugar to 1/2 c if you like it. )

  • 2 apples or 2 pears diced


Add water and sugar into med sized pot and heat at medium heat stirring frequently until sugar dissolves. Add apples or pears and stir. Add cranberries and stir every couple minutes. You will hear and see crackling and popping so don’t have your face directly above the pot. Stir intermittently until all cranberries have popped. Transfer to a bowl and bring to room temperature. Can serve at room temperature or chill before serving.

Fast, easy, and nutritious…. what’s not to love! My family inhales this plain, with chicken, atop oatmeal, on a grain bowl, or even atop ice cream.


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