Put your technology to bed.

What is your evening routine like? Do you end your day surfing the web, catching up on your Instagram or Facebook feed, watching a show? Data shows that technology before bedtime interferes with our sleep for multiple reasons. The bright light from the devices can affect our wakefulness, we can get “sucked in” and stay up much later than we anticipate, we can be affected emotionally or mentally by the content we are viewing - which then can make it hard for us to wind down. What is best practice for you?

Everyone is different in regards to how they are affected and what their body needs. Personally, I’m a night owl and often find it easier to write and get things done when most of my household is asleep….but then find myself lying in bed unable to quiet my mind though I am exhausted. Getting up is always a struggle for me, but I find it particularly rough after a night when I have gotten “sucked into “ my computer and gone to bed much later than my usual bedtime.

Things to consider:

  • Dim your screen or use “night or blue light mode” to reduce the impact of the light on you

  • What non-screen activities do you enjoy before bed? Consider reading a book, drinking a cup of tea, stretching, journaling, playing cards or taking a shower instead of engaging with a device before bed.

  • If you must be on a screen try a Passive vs. Interactive Activity

Passive activities include; reading on an e-reader, watching TV or a movie, listening to music - these types of activities are less disruptive to our sleep

Interactive activities include; video games, messaging, making posts, surfing the web

Take notice

What is your sleep hygiene like? Are you supporting yourself in your nighttime rituals/habits? Could you experiment with eliminating screen use for 30, 60, 90 minutes before you go to bed? Much like small children we all need a habitual sleep routine that helps our bodies begin to shut down and prepare for rest. I challenge you to experiment with this and see what you notice….

This is a struggle for me personally. It is no secret, I am not a morning person and prefer nighttime. I do notice that when I remove evening screen time - I find myself falling asleep more easily and battling the snooze bar less in the am. Be willing to experiment and also give yourself some grace!

For more information check out this article Technology and Sleep


Protein Packed Tuna Salad (without mayo)

