Meatless Monday (or anyday)

It is easy to get overwhelmed by all the issues in our world, climate change, homelessness, and many things we can’t control. It is empowering to recognize that we have the ability to make personal changes that can have an impact! A weekly (or multiple times a week) plant based dinner is something you can do to benefit both you and the planet. This is an easy way to ensure you get a good dose of veggies and you are able to make an environmental impact. This statistic is particularly powerful - “You can save 133 gallons of water with each meatless meal..” Karlie Conzachi - Learn more facts/tips here : Meatless Mondays

Health benefits include:

  • keeping a healthy weight

  • ensuring you are getting an adequate amount of fiber and vitamins

  • decreased risk for heart attack and stroke

  • fight diabetes

  • limit cancer risk


Some Meal Ideas include:

  • Hummus wraps

  • Veggie Fried Rice

  • Lentil Soup - Recipe

  • Thai Tofu Bowls - Recipe

  • Pasta - simply with tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella or sautéed asparagus and mushroom or spinach and pepper - endless possiblities

  • Egg, Black Bean, or Veggie Tacos

  • Soups/Stews

  • Breakfast for dinner

Veggie Fried Rice


  • 1 -2 cloves diced garlic

  • 1-2 tsp diced fresh ginger

  • 1 tbsp sesame oil (use toasted sesame oil for more flavor)

  • 1/2-1 onion

  • 4-6 c chopped vegetables - broccoli, carrots, snap peas, peppers, cabbage

  • 2-3 eggs scrambled

  • 4-6 servings brown or white rice

  • soy sauce, tamari or coconut aminos to taste


Heat sesame oil in wok or large non-stick fry pan. Add garlic and ginger and sauté until fragrant ~ one minute. Add onion and harder veggies ( broccoli, carrots, peas) stir and splash with soy sauce. When these veggies are beginning to soften add softer vegetables; cabbage, peppers, celery and mix. Add more sesame oil or soy sauce to coat if needed. In a separate small non-stick pan scramble eggs. Remove from heat and set aside. Add rice to vegetables and stir to coat and mix - again adding soy sauce or coconut aminos if needed -to personal taste. Add scrambled eggs and gently mix. Serve in bowls and top with crushed peanuts or bean sprouts. Hopefully you have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!


Summer heroes


Why Seaweed?